some people came to the master ?and asked: ?How can you be happy ? ?in a world of such impermanence, ?where you cannot protect your loved ones ? ?from harm, illness or death? The master held up a glass and said:? Someone gave me this glass;? It holds my water admirably? and it glistens in the sunlight. I touch it and it rings!? One day the wind?markham wedding photography may blow it off the shelf, ?or my elbow ?may knock it from the table.? I know this glass is already broken,? ? so I enjoy it -- incredibly.
~Achaan Chah Subato~
Since the 1960s, Norman's work has appeared on over 100 albums, compilations, and concert bootlegs. These recordings have been released under various labels and with various artists. Some of his principal albums are:
The Constitution of Kenya guarantees freedom of worship and there are hundreds of religious denominations and sects in the country. The followers of Christian faith are the majority. Islam is the main religion for most of the communities along the coast and the Somali community. The Asian community is mainly Hindu. Some Kenyans observe traditional methods of worship.
At Goroka, mean humidity varies from 87% at 09:00 hours to 57% at 15:00 hours. Associated with this typical cycling of cloud movement found in the Highlands in the early morning valley slopes and bottom are submerged in fog with high hills and ranges protruding into clear sunlight. As the day progresses the fog lifts from the valleys and clouds begin to form on the ranges frequently with associated local convectional storms. Towards the evening the cloud extends from the ranges to the valleys and with cooling sinks to valley bottoms. This cycle of afternoon cloud and storm on the ranges and morning fog in the valley bottoms, where airstrips are located, makes the maintenance of flight schedules difficult.
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